

バーオソルピラティスとは? 商標登録第5609049号 東京都創業サポート事業

What is Barre au Sol Pilates ?
“Barre au Sol” is the training method for ballet dancers.
“Pilates” was originally devised as a way of physical rehabilitation for injured soldiers in
early 20th Century.
Barre au Sol Pilates is “Balancing Body Training with Skeletal Improvement” consisting of “Barre au Sol” and “Pilates” combined with “Manual Therapeutics Theory”.

考案者が踊りで股関節を痛めて歩くのも痛い状態から、独自のリハビリトレーニングで復帰した体験をもとにバーオソルとピラティスのメリットとデメリットを理解した上で組み合わせるとほぼ完璧な骨格改善になると気付いたのがバーオソルピラティス誕生のきっかけです。 「大事な人生を怪我や身体の故障で諦めないでほしい。」そんな想いから協会を立ち上げました。
About Barre au Sol Pilates Association
Barre au Sol Pilates was born from my own experience as a dancer. I hurt my hip joint
when I was dancing and suffered from joint adhesion. During rehabilitation, I invented my
own training method and thanks to it I fully recovered. I then realized that combining Barre
au sol with Pilates with a good understanding of their advantages and disadvantages
becomes the almost perfect method of skeletal improvement.
Such experience inspired me to start Barre au sol Pilates.
“We should not give up something precious in our lives because of injuries or other physical
The Barre au Sol Pilates Association was established with such aspiration.
Barre au Sol Pilates Association
Executive Director
Mizuki Ino